Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Secret

Today is Sunday... tomorrow is the first full day of my new job... and next Sunday is marathon day! A full 26.2 of rolling dirt hills at 5,000 feet. Wahooie!

Life has finally picked up for me, and I can't be for certain, but I feel I owe so much to yoga and meditation, well and patience. I've finally gotten all I've been looking for--somehow, someway.

For a long time, I've contested bringing organized religion into my life. My twelve year old Hume Lake Christian Camp traumatized me enough for a lifetime... but I'm starting to re-examine to power of prayer. I don't know if I necessarily agree with a lot of what organized religions do or believe, but the mere fact of consistent prayer and positive thought is something to admire.

I feel I've found my religion in yoga. It mends my mind, heart and soul in a matter of minutes. It allows me to be calm, present, sincere... it allows me to be proud of who I am and express myself clearly with love and compassion. I LOVE YOGA.

I know that I've gotten to the place I am today because of my determination and hard work... but I will never again underestimate the power of positive thinking.

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