It's been less than two months and I miss writing... actually I've been writing, a lot in fact, just not here on my trusty blog. After trying to figure out how to save this blog in my personal archives, I found myself just wanting to write again. So, I'm trying again.
I did come to a realization that my processing can be quite negative. I feel like that's how I know how to process, but I'm learning that it doesn't have to be that way. So my goal is to write from the heart, but also to keep my glass half full.
By now I think I may have lost most of my readers, and maybe that's a good thing? If you do read my blog... enjoy it, but keep the judgements to a minimum please. I learn as I write, and will continue to learn my entire life.
So, I'm back. We'll see how it goes... and this could be proof that stubborn people can come around, eventually.