Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sunshine Day

Accounting still sucks, but everything else is great. I've done all my other homework for the weekend and it's 3 on Saturday... and I have Monday off. But that accounting shit. That will take me all day, at least one day.

It's a beautiful day in California... we've had 70+ degree weather for at least a week. We're working on our tans here in Cali. Oh, global warming. I'm glad I'm on this end, not on the cold end! Sorry for you sub-zero weather people out there. Move somewhere warm.

I'm counting down the months until this program is over, but truth is, I love it. I love school now. But that money thing... hmmm, well, I'll think about it later.

The puppy comes in about a month, I'm super excited. Taylor gets a little brother, or a son, we'll see what roles they play. Sam and I have already figured out the feeding/walking/attention schedule. Equipment is being acquired... we're almost there. I took Tay to the vet yesterday... $250 dollars later we learn he's A-OK, but then another $250 and he'll have clean teeth, oh and another $50 for a winter shave. Love my dog.

Sunshine with Tay and a puppy on the way. I have no complaints.

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