Monday, February 02, 2009

Soccer is my crack

You couldn't peel the grin off my face tonight. We (2 fellow MBAs and myself) played our first co-ed recreation game tonight. I LOVE soccer. I have been pumped for weeks, especially today. I juggled outside for a while with Tay... my heart racing.

I'm definitely not in sprinting shape right now, but this is some motivation! It's all the things I loved about soccer without the pressure. It's completely chill. Love it. I already got invited to play on the Sunday women's league... I'm going to wait until fall, but this is it; this is my crack. Every inch of my body was trained to play soccer... and I freaking love it.


Finance? Accounting? Oh a midterm in the morning, but I'm still smiling :) School doesn't suck as bad when your mind is chasing a ball for an hour!

Crickety crack.

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