Monday, September 05, 2005

A Life Without Structure

For five years I've longed for a life without school; a life of sleeping in, casual breakfasts, and easy times. This dream seems to be coming true, but with one catch: my productivity is stifled! A life without the structure and deadlines of school has left me floating about without direction. Of course there are little motivators here and there to keep me oriented, but no true goals.

Goal setting is something I help my clients to achieve. Deciding where someone wants to be physically is quite different than how a person wants to structure life. Maybe there is such a thing as a structure coach?

Next in line for me is more certifications! The only catch is the financial catch... yoga certifications are a few grand, cycling and pilates are at least a few hundred... and there aren't really certifications offered in my little central coast area. Time to travel, or get creative.

I've always known how much I despised structure, but have never really appreciated my reliance on it's consistency.

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