Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hoppy New Year

So today is New Years Eve... and I'm still acting like the Grinch. I just don't think I'm a holiday person. Tahoe was a great time, but the snow could have been better. Mom has a second degree sprain in her MCL, so that was a bummer not to haver her "happy ass" out on the slopes.

It's December, the moon is getting full... I'm not AS confused as I once was, but rather looking for opportunity in all my madness. I know there's a lesson in all of this. I know there is a reason for all of this.

I go back to work on Tuesday, and that is going to be quite the reality shock. Back to the vibrating box, urgh. I love what I do, but I may be bored, or overstimulated, or something. I'm seeking something that I'm not sure exists in SLO... maybe I travel for a while and then take on a new position somewhere. My club is opening a new facility in Paso, 30 minutes north. That'd be a commute, but something new to do... or rather somewhere new to do it in. HMMM. The more I think, the more I realize that it's all in my control. It's all a choice.

My New Year's Resolutions:

1. I'm now VEGAN... wish me luck.

2. Live simply.

3. Not work so many hours in the day so that I can't PLAY with Ray and Tay.

Amy takes off for Africa on Wednesday... and I'm so excited for her. She's going to South Africa to work in an orphanage with AIDS babies. She'll be gone for 3 months. People can be so brave and so selfless, I'm so proud of her... I just hope she comes back :O)

So now Tay, Cooper and I are chillin' out. Who knows if I'll actually make it somewhere for midnight, I'm sort of a 9pm bed goer. We'll see.

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