Friday, March 09, 2007


Today is Friday, thank the lord. Carrie covered for me this morning, so I didn't have to wake up at 5am. I actually had time for breakfast, a quick jog with Tay, tea, shower and time to write! What a difference in the day it makes.

Yesterday I got a little stressed out. We had a speaker ALL DAY paid for by the club (although since I'm not on salary, I missed my day's pay) who talked about machines, research and concepts we already are quite familiar with. It was interesting--YES, to get 50 athletic minded people in the same room at the same time, but he kept saying things like, "well since I'm not very smart..." or "not having that 180 point IQ..." It really just made me think to myself, well, why the f**k am I wasting my day listening to YOUR expertise?

Anyway, during the meeting I was making a list of all the things I needed to accomplish that day. Prioritizing, categorizing... they would have been so simple to just knock out! But NO, I had to listen to Mr. Insecure about his knowledge all day. So 4pm rolls around and I'm completely overwhelmed, not just because I've got my hands in so many project pots, but because in less than a month I ship out for an unpaid 5 weeks. There is a lot of prep work to be done to train someone in on my position, making sure all my clients keep their appointments with an alternate trainer... prep work like crazy.

So I decided to walk away and go to yoga. That could calm me down, right? Well little did I know, there's a place you can get yourself that's TOO stressed for yoga. I couldn't calm my breath, I couldn't relax into my poses. I couldn't think, and my dislocated wrist was killing me. Oh yeah, I slowly, over about a month's time dislocated my wrist... so that puts me out of my training certification this weekend, and out $300 bucks.

Anyway, then a friend calls and wants to have a business meeting in the morning. Then Betsy calls and tells me that she's disappointed that I didn't do her linens and water the plants, but she never specified that she wanted me to do any of it! I was literally there 3 nights while she was gone, but I guess I wasn't as 'adult' as she wanted me to be. It just snowballed.

Finally Ray and I rode our cruisers downtown and ran a few errands and caught part of SLO's Film Festival on Surfing. I paid $45 for two of us, which was fine, for a good cause. The first movie they showed I'd seen 10 times, and since I thought I was waking up early for my client, I skipped out before the 2nd. That's one expensive movie!

I also committed to house sit free of charge for a coworker, and went over to check out the situation. She's got fish, 3 dogs, one of which has pancreas issues, another one with SEVERE aggression issues, two cats, one with diabetes, the other secludes itself... and I guess that's all. They all get different diets/medications. Whew. Good thing I've got so much free time.

So I guess the point of the story is to not bite off more than you can chew. I guess it's time for me to realize that my plate is full and not to take on extra projects. It's just managing what I've already committed to that may drive me insane.

Sorry if you read all my bitching. I guess sometimes I just need it.

1 comment:

lets dance said...

thank goodness meeting with me is easier than dealing with an aggressive/lack of bowel functioning/passive aggressive canine!!!
I will enjoy reading your thoughts.
I appreciate the person you are, and value the opportunity to share time and space with you.
your friend