Friday, July 11, 2008


Graduate School, Graduate School, Graduate School.
I can do it, I will do it, I am doing it.

I'm strong, I can, I will.

It's too easy for me to get distracted from studying for this GMAT test. In the grand scheme of things, it's a big test, but I CAN DO WELL. It has been over 3 years since I've really studied or been held accountable, especially during free time.

I'm scared though. My bank account is growing smaller each month that goes by, steadily. I know in the next 2 months, there needs to be a drastic shift. I either need to get a new full time job or go back to school. I'm aiming for school and in the event I somehow cannot pass this test, I will make do and find a real job, even if it's not perfect. I cannot and will not struggle for much longer... it wrecks me mentally.

I spent the last two days studying math and english just as I spent years doing. It will all come back, and I will be successful.

I just mapped out the last 12 or so weeks of marathon training, and out popped the mantra I used last year for my training and race, I'm strong, I can, I will. It came to me on mile 21 of a 23 mile run where my mom and I were so delirious, we lost the car. I volunteered to spring ahead (yes after that many miles) and drive to get her. The rhythm of my breathing and the rhythm of the mantra matched up perfectly. And I WAS strong, I COULD do it, and I did it... then and now.

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