Friday, July 04, 2008

Murphy's Mercury

Finally a shift. My more mystical friends have made a big deal of Mercury being in retrograde. It's a time when things just go wrong. The actual period of time was from May 26th to June 19th, but things don't straighten out until July 4th. It's exactly what I've heard from 2 other sources, and I can FEEL it.

Last year when Mercury was in retrograde, I deemed it the summer of 'unlove' due to the sheer number of relationships ending within a few week period of time, including my own. It's scary when the universe does things like this. I worked with the general public long enough to know that there are patterns in behavior, and it's subconscious.

Mercury in retrograde is known as the astrological Murphy's Law... if something is going to go wrong, it will. A fine example: George W. Bush was named President of the United States while Mercury was in retrograde. Talk about a f*ck up. That whole Florida thing, yep, retrograde.

I am a water sign, also with fire. The Musician is an earth sign, also with water. I think it's that water quality that makes us both hypersensitive to the activity of the planets. He wasn't being himself, we both knew it... and it was almost unavoidable. Things were destined to go wrong for a few weeks. I didn't give up, when everything told me to do just that... because I knew it wasn't him.

This morning, he woke up and said, "something clicked last night." I then explained the crazy pull of Mercury and what's been going on. Bless him mom for raising him so open to these weirdities. He didn't miss a beat.

Today I feel the shift, I feel like the shit is gone. I think I read that Mercury is in retrograde 4 times a year? I may have to plan to just disappear during those times! That was intense.

Today my sister and parents left for their bike ride until Monday or Tuesday, some long mountainous bike camping trip, I declined attendance for. I'm so not as knarly as the rest of them! California is covered in smoke however, so we'll see if they get caught up in in. Bennett is dropping them off I think near Gualala I think, right off the coast. I'm SO glad they waited until the universe was in a more stable state!

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