Monday, May 28, 2007

Quiet Elephant, You'll Spoil the Peace!

It's Monday, Memorial Day. I've come quite accustomed to my morning ruminations (as mom calls them). For years I lost my mornings, that extra few hours of sleep, and finally I have them back. I get up around 7am, let Tay out to fetch the paper, feed him and myself, drink my tea and read the paper. So simple, but it makes all the difference in my world. Also routine is checking the internet and paper 10 times a day for housing. Still no luck.

Since vacation, taking time in the morning really has changed my entire life. I do more yoga, feel less stressed, look more put together at work... I'm no longer playing catch up all day. All this I will remember if taking on a new role or position.

The weekend has been pretty mellow for me, Ray had to work every night for the last 5 nights, meaning I have evening ruminations as well. One of Ray's friends usually appears so I have some company, but even alone I enjoy the time. I love living in SLO. It's such a gem of a town, only lacking one thing--diversity.

Having conflicting schedules isn't so good for Ray and I, but we're making the best of it. I'm asleep when he comes home in the middle of the night and he's asleep when I'm getting up in the morning. It works well for Tay though, and that's all that really matters. Tay has Ray or I all day and night, every day and night. Not to mention all our company, plus Katie, Vic, and Mattie, who constantly give him attention. Spoiled dog. He's doing much better, but still not 100%. When Tay was sick, my world was not OK. I don't think I'm going to cope well to his aging.

Well, it's off to work. My client load is so light... I only kept my absolute favorites which means my days go pretty smoothly now :O) The only thing making me nervous is that my world could change in an instant... it's like the big elephant in the room... and I have no idea what I want in all of it.

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