Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bikram Shmikram

I went to Bikram this morning. I know, I know...

I was thinking last night that I just needed to sweat. During my regular yoga practice, I'm lucky if one drop of sweat cultivates. So I decided to try my 2nd Bikram class ever, I figure at 6 AM I wouldn't have time to think, I'd just do it... and I did.

Wanting to be anonymous, feeling like I was sort of walking into the lions den, I thought at 6 AM I'd blend in... to my surprise, one of my Vinyasa students was next to me after the lights switched on.

The experience was enjoyable for the most part, the teacher talked non-stop, I mean continuously. About 75% through the class, she seemed to aggravate herself or perceived the class was aggravated, and her energy shifted. Maybe I pay too close of attention. It was obvious I didn't know right from wrong, and somehow she knew my name, although I sure as hell didn't tell her!

They encourage locked knees, something I DO NOT encourage, and she'd yell at me if my knee wasn't locked out... "lock lock lock the knee!" "Pull the chin to knee, chin to knee, pull, pull pull!" I liked it, don't get me wrong, but that scene from the Wedding Planner kept coming into my head, where Adam Sandler is bitter and pissed off and turns to a stranger and says "I hate you." I kept saying that in my head...

"Lock, lock the knee!"

"I hate you."

And that was enough to make me smile inside and continue on.

Another thing was all the flipping from back to stomach, stomach to back, back to stomach, what the f*ck? And then Savasana at the end of class, the instructor leaves the room and says enjoy, and 99% of the class gets up!

I'll likely go back.

I like the sweat factor, but these Bikram instructors are nuts! I have some bones to pick with this Bikram guy.

1 comment:

NateTheBum said...

The instructors are nuts! And a bit uptight as you could tell from all the times you were told to lock your knees.
I've been going to Bikram in the evenings several times over the past 3 months. I really love the feeling you get afterwards (if you're not nauseous from exertion).