Monday, March 17, 2008

Running for ME

I had an epiphany the other night as I was running Taylor. It had been a long day, and an even longer week, and I'd had a few shorter runs (4-6 miles) but nothing really requiring any endurance. So I got ready, put my sneakers on, and was prepared to say goodbye to my faithful golden retriever, who can still run 6 miles, but starts to slow down and spend more time smelling the flowers... really the pee on the flowers, but the first description makes for a better visual.

As I was walking out the door, he gave me that puppy dog look, so I played fetch for about 10 minutes in hopes of tiring him out before I snuck out... no luck. He kept giving me that look, not taking his eyes off me, so I let him come along. I neglected to bring a leash... he really doesn't need one with the exception of that extra flower smelling time he takes, when I just want to get home.

After about 3 miles, he began to lag, and I just got frustrated. I thought to myself, "this is why you were going to go alone today!" but I couldn't stay mad as his intentions are so pure and so loving and unconditional.

Then I started to realize that this is my relationship with work too. I take on other's needs before my own, feeling obligation to the commitments I've made to their health, without considering my financial health. But like a moth to a flame, I keep the commitments I know aren't sustainable and don't serve me anymore...

I applied for another batch of jobs today... a variety of different positions ranging from Executive Assistant positions to Spa Manager work. Who knows what will come through, or if I can make my positions now sustainable? I love SLO town, but the jobs are so few and far between... it's taking a significant amount of effort.

Yesterday, even with the pinched nerve in my shoulder, I ran/hiked 9 miles. It was either that or lay in bed and cry because the pain was so intense. It's amazing what some endorphins and adrenaline will do!

I went to visit a neuro-chiropractor this morning, more on that to come!

1 comment:

pedro said...

i'm pullin for ya smiling dog!