Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Try not to scream

It's been since Saturday that I've had intense nerve pain in my shoulder and neck. The smallest movements are excruciating, and I feel like I've tried it all--massage, chiropractic, rest... but I'm starting to just get frustrated.

The Chiropractor did say that the levator scapulae, one of the main culprits is also known as the stress muscle. But ironically, when I'm injured, I can't teach or work comfortably, adding to my already stressed financial situation, not to mention the cost of the 3 chiropractic visits this week.

The only thing that feels good is ice, maybe I need to jump in the ocean?

I'm trying to do two things: to forgive and to be grateful... but being grateful for pain in the neck is a hard one to swallow, it must be here for a reason, to teach me something.

Positivity. Light. Love. Health. Well being. Healing.

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