Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Update on Life

It's been a long time since I've written, months in fact. It feels a little weird. The MBA program whizzed by and I shot out the other end pretty lucky! I was able to find an awesome company, amazing staff and great job that really plays to my strengths. I moved out of my studio, after months and months of dissonance about it, and with warnings from some of my most loyal supporters... and they were right. The situation I entered was not good and after it fell apart, it ended up with me staying with Sam and living sort of out of my car/storage unit for 6 weeks or so. Finding a place to live with dogs in SLO was harder for me than a job!

Anyway, after the patch of rough living situations - a bit of a stressful time, Sam and I found an amazing house (maybe too big) but that's TBD. The dogs are really happy with both of us around full time and we're near a few parks and running trails. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and there is much I am thankful for this year. I have an amazing man, great dogs, a great family, awesome job and an overall great life.

I'm a bit torn as to whether or not I'm ready to teach yoga again, and if so, where? This being such a small town, my actions will have reactions from others I'm sure. Also, do I even have the time/mental capacity/emotional capacity right now? I've really liked only having one job... and I've struggled even to balance just the one... I need time to think about it. There's also a local teacher training I'd love to take but that'd require a week off of work, 3 day weekends 1/month for 8 months and 3K. Lots to think about.

Life is good :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Closing Entry for Chindia Trip

The effects of the trip to India and China may take years to fully set in. I’ve learned a lot so far and will continue to learn as my overseas experiences are made more relevant in my daily life.

Related to the Cal Poly MBA Program
There were a few teachers I thought about on this incredible journey. The first that comes to mind is Dr. Peach, our Negotiations professor. He did an amazing job throughout spring quarter re-creating negotiation situations in the classroom, but arriving in these two countries was a negotiators dream. Each vendor you approach or even walk by will take interest in you. I’ve realized there are two ways to approach these situations:

1. Try to browse the merchandise as we would in the states, even though they are barking at you “hey lady, hey lady, have a look, look for free, tell your friends, you come back, you like this?”
2. OR… look them in the eyes, say “ni hao” and ask questions if you are interested in a product.

The first few times approaching rows of vendors, I tried the first approach. I have an overly sensitive personality at times, especially to light and noise. The shouting would most often end in me walking away with no merchandise, which was fine… until I realized I hadn’t purchased anything and had seen others buy cheap yet interesting things. I tried negotiations the second style after a good rest and cup of coffee, with much more luck. However, it is almost impossible to tell whether you have really gotten the best price unless comparing to others with the same purchase. Dr. Peach’s advice holds true again, if you are happy with your purchase and the price you paid, it was a successful negotiation. Many of us would compare the prices we’d received after the negotiation, some satisfied, some disappointed. After a while, if someone overpaid, we stopped telling each other, letting the purchaser enjoy their item without regret. In general, salesmen and women were friendlier to women than to men. One man in our group even had a bruised arm from attempting to walk away from a negotiation. A good tactic I learned this trip that Dr. Peach did not teach us was to find someone who had already negotiated down the price of an item I too wished to buy, and to use that as a purchase price. Most often it worked flawlessly and allowed for very quick and easy purchase.

Also in my head was Dr. Whitaker, our Communication teacher. He has been with me for most of the year, as the information and intensity he brought to our class of MBAs was the most relevant and potent information dose I’ve had, maybe ever. I will read anything he writes or watch any speech or presentation he gives (same goes for Dr. Anderson). I am also convinced that Dr. Whitaker’s influence at the start of our coursework is a contributing factor to our group being so synergistic, adaptable and cooperative. He made us a team, solidified all of our intentions into one common goal, to learn as much as we could from our teachers and each other and to act as a team. He emphasized, we were not in competition with one another. His information was helpful, not only in carrying oneself in a business meeting, or communicating clearly, but also on how much luggage to bring, where to put priorities and the advice to “travel until it hurts” meaning, even when you’re tired, just keep going. There were many days I had to either double caffeinate or keep telling myself to just keep going, even at exhaustion.

Dr. Olsen’s Lean class could have been taught in the Maruti Suzuki factory in India… I mean, really. In India, at the MET, the students there said their Accounting and Finance professors would have them memorize 200 balance sheets at a time. And I thought we had it bad! I realized at MET that although that particular college is on the other half of the world, the students are learning from the same events in time, similar books and teachers, and following our culture and politics better than many of us are.

Striking Business Practices
In India, the hospitality. The people in India could have been said to be overly hospitable at times, hovering over the dinner table to make sure you have everything; I mean everything you could possibly need. They took great care of us at company visits, water, treats, welcome banners, smiles, hospitality… it was amazing, and I have a new standard for visitors now. It reflects back on their company so well; and leaves an amazingly positive impression. The only company in India who left us without water for several hours, or snacks (even though we had to skip lunch for time constraints that day) was American Express. Hmmm, the one American company we visited.

In China, their meticulous attention to detail. India’s buildings always looked unfinished; there were pieces of signs missing, unfinished streets nearby, desks that didn’t exactly line up flush. In China, things were immaculate, high tech, efficient, finished. I attributed this to the respective wealth levels of the countries. India has done great things with the resources it has. China, with more resources, has done at least better looking things. The work ethic in China is a practice worth considering. Employees work well over 40 hours per week, sometimes 60+ hours is standard. For business, this makes for more productive businesses, however, on a personal level, this much work could lead to personal imbalance and burnout. When talking to students about classroom behavior, they were appalled that we could speak freely in class, get up when need be, ask questions and collaborate in the classroom setting. Their way is very different; a practice I don’t see well suited for westerners. They also do not live in a democratic society, clearly.

To Live Abroad?
I think the answer to this question depends on the destination. I do not have the flexibility to live in China… the culture is SO very different, the food I dislike 90% of and the fast pace leaves my head spinning, still trying to figure out the language barrier. Daily comforts are more important to me than seizing a business opportunity in China.

India, I would be more open and adaptable to, and I could easily be romanced by the yogic influence and history. However, the smells and raw sewage are a hard aspect to acclimate to. Depending on the exact location, India could be a fit for me, but I am less interested in business in India and more so in health. A really hard part, particularly in China was the language barrier. Maybe too egotistically, I expected China to have a greater percentage of English speaking individuals. It was only on the last night, at English Corner, where I actually had an intelligent conversation with locals. It would be an easier transition to live abroad in an English speaking country. I have several years of Spanish education that would allow me comfort in Spanish (maybe even Italian and French) speaking countries. Another option would be to partner with a person who speaks both English and the country’s native language, making that transition easier… but again, I don’t have the drive to give up certain luxuries and take on other stressors.

My Comfort Zone
I was forced out of my comfort zone a bit, but not as much as I assumed I would be. Traveling around in air-conditioned busses was a great luxury in both countries. Without this luxury, we would not have been able to think straight though, as our bodies were not prepared for 100+ degree temperatures… sometimes 110+. My ankles were double their size for the first week in India… that was hard for me to adjust to and to stay motivated and focused through. The sewage and smells in India were hard to adjust to… and the begging. The beggars were hard in both countries to handle, but thinking back, we have beggars in the U.S. The only difference seemed to be that these people were very young, with disabilities (either at birth or given to them) and women with small children. Typically we see in SLO older people who look as if they’ve given up on life, and its just easier to beg. It’s a different dynamic. Overall, I feel like I adapted much better than expected, which I attribute a lot to both the trip leaders and our fellow students. Our classmates this year were awesome. We had so much fun dancing, singing, karaoke, etc. making the long hard days worthwhile and light.

Learning About Myself
I’ve been a bit timid in large cities always. I don’t like traffic, I don’t like driving, I don’t like crowds of people. I learned on this trip that in any situation, things can be altered and tailored to individual interests. I felt a lot more comfortable in large cities than I have in the past, maybe because I was not driving. I felt 100% comfortable taking public transportation and taxis or auto rickshaws, and trusted their ability to take me to my destination smoothly. I also learned that even on the other side of the world I’m a morning person, that much I can’t change. I learned that I need more personal time than most, perhaps to reflect and to ground myself mentally. Others were able to go all day and then all night… I needed to decompress more than most at night.

At English Corner, where Chinese people go to speak English, I learned that people want to learn about the United States, well, certain people. While talking to individuals, I learned that I am now an educated person, not in one field, but in two fields, in both health and business. This accomplishment has been huge for me, for my confidence levels and what I now feel capable doing in life and in the world. I also learned (on a personal level) that the world goes on without me when I leave for a while… not to say I’m not missed, but I realized that maybe on a daily basis, I take on too much, or more than I need to. Everything works out and gets done both at work and in my personal life when I disappear for a while… a practice I may indulge in a bit more frequently.

Cultural Differences
There were many.
1. The ego of Americans and consumption levels vs. polar opposite India. China reflected the U.S. more so than India in this regard.
2. Indian hospitality, which was amazingly superior to both other cultures.
3. Language, dress, and food… commonalities, but all different.
4. The number of expats. In the U.S., we have a melting pot of different people from different countries. For the most part in China and India, there were very few ex-patriots.
5. In India, (and a little in China) people will do anything for money, and expect money when they do anything. For instance, when you take your photo with someone, they will expect money afterwards. When we came across a monkey keeper and took photos in India, he knocked on our bus for 20 minutes to try and collect payment. In the U.S. we don’t see this.

For me, China means…
Growth. The Chinese are in an ultra growth mindset. The poor economy may have slowed this down a bit, but it’s still on the forefront of their minds. How to grow strong and fast. China also means Communism. It’s a very different approach to government. It has its strengths and its weaknesses just like a democracy though.

For me, India means…
Hope. Indian people are happy, they are grounded, they are centered, they are free from excess ego. I’m generalizing. What I loved about India is that I saw, first hand, a society that attempts to follow yogic philosophy, and how peaceful that turns out to be. India also means entrepreneurship and opportunity, especially for the youth. In the U.S., it is very hard to be young and successful in larger companies. India has a large and motivated youth population with a great education level.

What surprised me most about China
The fact that people didn’t speak English. Their love of Michael Jackson and Bruce Lee. That some of Pink Floyd The Wall’s songs were cut out of records. How there are seemingly 5 employees to every one customer, doing pretty much nothing.

What surprised me most about India
The happiness in the slums. The filth. The proximity of filth and thriving businesses.

In its totality, I loved this adventure to China and India. I have learned so much about myself, my capabilities and handicaps. I have learned so much about two very different cultures and how to survive in their business worlds. I have learned what it would entail to send an employee to either country and barriers to entering both markets. As previously stated, it will take me years to unravel what I’ve just learned. I’m looking forward to it.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

the little engine that could.

I went to my last graduate school class today. The last week or so has been getting harder to focus at school, knowing that graduation is just around the corner. I still cannot believe that I started this program less than a year ago, and here I am almost to the finish line. It's been a tough year though, to say the least.

I have all the signs of chronic overstudying: tight neck, sore upper back, low back hurts from sitting so much. Forearms tight from typing. I'm strategically planning when I should get a massage a chiropractic to wipe some of this away before departing on my journey.

India, China, then Thailand. I'm super excited.

So now I have 3 take home finals, 1 in class final, a book review and then I'm done. I'm going to try and get it all done asap so I can prepare for Chindialand and graduation. All the finals are gnarly... all of them.

I am so close I can taste it. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

Saturday, May 02, 2009


Wow. I finally went to yoga this morning and I felt like a fish out of water, at first. It's been about 3 months since I've practiced with anyone else, or for more than 20 minutes. My body ached, I felt nerve pain in my back and shoulder nearly the entire time, but I knew that what I was doing was good. I was resetting my energy levels, I was sending new signals to my muscles. I reached a state of complete relaxation.

Life is hard right now... it really is. It's great, and I'm having an amazing time, but it's hard. I'm busy, and tired, and stressed... I go from 5 or 7AM to 6 or 10PM, every day.

I've pondered recently whether or not to move out of my house, again. I sometimes think it'll work, and other times remember how many bad (and good) roommates I've had. I love living alone, I love the solitude, my own sacred space, my beautiful feminine things. I just don't like my huge rent bill each month, that's all.

So, I plan to stay, and to root myself into my space, to thrive here, to grow here, to work here.

Yoga is my clarity, it allows me to feel and sense and cry. All too often I push my emotion deeper and deeper inside because I don't want to appear weak, to myself or to others. But in reality, we're all weak... we all cry. It's OK.

My shoulder started feeling better when I started breathing more deeply and fluidly, testing and pushing my chest capacity. Within a day, the nerves took a break from seething.

So, Saturday: laundry, plants, chores, homework, dogs and work tonight. It's funny how those simple chores in life can make the mind feel so much better. I love the weekends... and I love yoga.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Body Breaking

I'm falling apart. Emotionally I'm keeping everything together, but physically, my body hurts! I rolled my ankle a few weeks ago which is slowly healing, some days it feels great, some days it hurts. Then I pinched that same nerve in my shoulder I've pinched a few times before which is the worst pain I think I've felt. It burns up and down the neck and shoulders and doesn't stop, even why I sleep. Then, after working a long shift, I bruised the ball of my left foot, the kind that's sensitive to putting any pressure on. Oh and yesterday, I threw the "chuck it" so many times my forearm was torn up by the evening. So to recap... right ankle, left shoulder and neck, left ball of the foot and right forearm. Aaaaarrrrgggghh. If only life could slow down for injuries!

Other than that, life is great, I'm really happy and excited about finishing school and the trip to China and India. I just have to figure out how to put my body back together.

On a lighter note, Duke is fully vaccinated, so this weekend we went to the park a handful of times, to Besty's and to the beach :) He's not quite sure of the ocean yet, but I have no doubt he'll warm up to it after the excitement of running free with other dogs wares off.

Maybe this is all just pointing me back to my yoga practice? After these next two months, I'm going to hang on the beach for a week and do nothing!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Almost there....

Day 2, week 4. 54 more days until graduation and I'm beginning to salivate. The reality of being done is coming more clear every day. I know I will miss this though. The group of peers interested in the same information, motivated beyond belief. The laughter, the friendships... part of me regrets not being more social in this grad program, but being a home body once the sun goes down has always been my story.

I'm excited to explore possibilities working here on the central coast, whether for myself or someone else. I would love to mix my two worlds that have lived so separately... the world of wellness and the world of business.

It's 6AM and I'm sipping on my coffee, not wanting to study for my noon test. If I stall long enough, the sun will be up and it will be time to run the dogs. Or I could get some other homework out of the way, or study for tomorrow's exam? In this 70-85 degree weather, I can't help but to smile. Sam and I went away last weekend and I was able to take a really deep breath... to kind of put into perspective the things in life that have been troubling me... they are just stressors, and I've chosen them all.

I applied for this program less than a year ago, and I'm almost done with it. That's amazing. A year ago I was sitting at my desk at City Hall wondering where and what would make me happier than sitting in that office.

I've always known I wasn't one for stagnation, and getting unstuck was the best thing for me. As a whole, I've been much happier... so now to plan the next move.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Week 2

I'm starting to realize that I've just taken on another responsibility. This quarter's school work load is less than that of last quarter, yet the prep for China and India, the puppy, Tay and the new job have put more on my plate than I've had, maybe ever. I'm holding up OK, granted this is the second week of this schedule.

Working 4 nights a week is no joke. I have much less Sam time, less down time, less sleep, a less consistent diet (more protein bars and grab-able food). I just finished my training, meaning now I'll make some cash... I just worked 8 shifts for minimum wage only which maybe covered the gas to drive out to Avila.

I think I can do this, but it means almost all my time is accounted for, and my school work may suffer. It will all be OK. I just need to remember to breathe, do my yoga and exercise, even if it's a 5 minute jog around the block to get my brain flowing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

air head

I love vacation, but empty space in the head leads to questioning... pretty much everything.

Is this a good thing or does it cause more stress than anything? I mean, should I address the questions more frequently or should I just keep myself busy and therefore happier?

I'm thinking there's a reason I always take on more than I probably should handle. Somehow there's comfort in the chaos. Sleeping at night isn't a question... I analyze less and do more. But in which way do I live more?

Too many questions. I better put myself to work ASAP.

Friday, March 20, 2009

reset button

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh finals are finally over!

I have a week off to do... nothing. Well, not really. I got a new job! Not a career job or anything but rather a serving job again. Everyone I tell says, "oh for a little extra spending money?" No, just to live off of :)

I start training today. I'm actually excited to have a new system to learn, new people to meet, new networking opportunities. Change things up a bit, eh? It's perfect timing for spring break too... although I know I have reading assignments for next quarter already.

So 10 classes down and 4 more to go + the China and India trip. Woohoo! This year has flown by so quickly. I will have an MBA in only 3 more months. Wow how things have changed since last summer. At this time last year, I was merely considering grad school and I didn't apply until June. Life is crazy.

So I'm thinking even if I do get a "real job" after graduation, waiting tables would be a good additional source of income. I was going to write an "if I don't get a job" statement, but I will get one.

Ahhhhhhhh how stress just disintegrates after exams and projects. I have a feeling I'll miss school, though.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


what I've been up to.......

For our China and India trip this June, here is where we've spent A LOT of time commenting, reading, writing on 50+ blog entries. Good stuff.

This is a site Raquel created for graduation info and some hot pictures of us OCOB kids.

oooh and the soccer league

Ok that's enough.

June June Soon

The last few times I've sat down to write, I've quickly closed the window, unable to justify the 10 minutes it would take to jot down some words. It's Thursday and today was the last day of classes for Winter quarter. Tricky because now finals begin. Grad school is no joke. We've been working straight since August and there's no mercy until July. But a 10 month MBA... aahhhhh. It will be nice to be done.

My back has never experienced anything like grad school, even working at a desk was different. I am married to my desk with two little golden retrievers sleeping under it. I have to be VERY careful when I roll back to get a snack or go to the bathroom because more often than not, there is a little face sleeping close to the wheels.

These two dogs are so amazing. I love them but sometimes they drive me nuts. Duke has SO much energy, puppy energy... and he doesn't have all his shots yet so he's unable to go on any surface other than pavement. Ick. I've gotten pretty creative though. Between the bike path and walk/running circles around my neighborhood, he usually gets enough to knock him out. There's an art to it, though. He has this oral fixation right now, some may call it teething. He always has something in his mouth... a ball, a toy, Taylor, and when we walk either Tay's leash or Duke's own leash remains in his mouth. As long as they're moving forward, I let that part go, for now.

Tay is getting more and more pissy. Maybe he's just tired, maybe he's just old, but he doesn't like me or the puppy right now. He's used to playing in the grass and at the beach and being off leash. Now, I'm either dragging him to get enough ground covered before school, or he's putzing around smelling flowers and refuses to come when I call. I swear that dog talks to me. He's getting a lot more exercise, attention, toys, etc. now that there are two of them, but he's still pissy. When we can go to the park and beach, it will get better.

I'm ready to have a job, to make money that is. I love being in school, but the debt! I have already gone over budget and will be in the red by June... credit card debt will have to suffice for a few months until I have a steady income. Should I just charge everything now, just in case I don't get a job right after school lets out? Hmph. I cannot wait until I make money, enough to live off of is all I ask.

The job market in SLO is slow. Ha. There is really not much here, but I will find the best fit for me and make due. I really resist moving, but that may be my reality, really. I will go kicking and screaming though... and probably be back.

Each day tests me, today I stepped in shit right before leaving my house and tracked it all around the floor. What a nice surprise when I got home! When I'm in a rush, the dogs give me hell. There is always something. I'm just trying to take my deep breaths and appreciate the green hills and 60+ degree weather this week. Winter could be way worse.

Friday, February 27, 2009

4 more months

Soccer may still be my crack, but our games have been cancelled the last 3 weeks due to rain. Blah. This weekend is supposed to be nice until Monday, game night. It's 6AM and I'm drinking coffee and working on school stuff... the two boys are jumping around my desk. OK just the puppy, Tay is patiently hanging out, waiting for the sun to come up so we can walk.

I'm ready to be done with school but so fearful that I won't get a job. I will get a job, I will get a job. I'm listing my resources and trying to think of every industry I'm qualified for, interested in and that pays a living wage. I've quadrupled my debt in the last year by joining this MBA program and I'd like to think my earning potential has improved, some. I know this is still the central coast of California... but I'm optimistic. I'm realizing that I may just need to start my own company to make a good living here, although that means I will probably struggle for a while first.

Anyhow, I'm trying to stay hopeful, and at least I'm pretty distracted. Duke is awesome, he's an absolute handful but he's awesome, and Taylor is being so patient, too patient in fact. There are times I wish he would snap back at Duke and teach him a lesson... but he rarely does. He even lets Duke take toys out of his mouth, share the water bowl at the same time and steal his food! I know, my dog, Taylor! This was unheard of. He gets a lot more play time with Duke around which I know he likes, but he is also constantly tested.

So, 4 more months. I'm done July 4th in China... but I need to work right when I get back because my bank balance will be at zero, maybe below a few grand. Urgh.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Soccer is my crack

You couldn't peel the grin off my face tonight. We (2 fellow MBAs and myself) played our first co-ed recreation game tonight. I LOVE soccer. I have been pumped for weeks, especially today. I juggled outside for a while with Tay... my heart racing.

I'm definitely not in sprinting shape right now, but this is some motivation! It's all the things I loved about soccer without the pressure. It's completely chill. Love it. I already got invited to play on the Sunday women's league... I'm going to wait until fall, but this is it; this is my crack. Every inch of my body was trained to play soccer... and I freaking love it.


Finance? Accounting? Oh a midterm in the morning, but I'm still smiling :) School doesn't suck as bad when your mind is chasing a ball for an hour!

Crickety crack.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Which one is worse: accounting or finance?

Now it's a toss up... is accounting or finance worse? Urgh. I love this program, but some of this material is frustrating.

We went to Guadalupe last night and watched the fights in the theater: BJ Penn and GSP as the main even. It's the studio Sam records music in, an old movie theater. With HD and surround sound, it's pretty cool. I love watching MMA, which is surprising to many including myself. Truth be told, I love watching anyone do anything well. These guys are conditioned beyond belief! Flexible, quick, strong, it's amazing.

Today is the Super Bowl. I'm still deciding if I'm going to watch it. I have a ton of work to do, and neither of the teams thrill me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sunshine Day

Accounting still sucks, but everything else is great. I've done all my other homework for the weekend and it's 3 on Saturday... and I have Monday off. But that accounting shit. That will take me all day, at least one day.

It's a beautiful day in California... we've had 70+ degree weather for at least a week. We're working on our tans here in Cali. Oh, global warming. I'm glad I'm on this end, not on the cold end! Sorry for you sub-zero weather people out there. Move somewhere warm.

I'm counting down the months until this program is over, but truth is, I love it. I love school now. But that money thing... hmmm, well, I'll think about it later.

The puppy comes in about a month, I'm super excited. Taylor gets a little brother, or a son, we'll see what roles they play. Sam and I have already figured out the feeding/walking/attention schedule. Equipment is being acquired... we're almost there. I took Tay to the vet yesterday... $250 dollars later we learn he's A-OK, but then another $250 and he'll have clean teeth, oh and another $50 for a winter shave. Love my dog.

Sunshine with Tay and a puppy on the way. I have no complaints.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Accounting Sucks

I better change my attitude, but right this moment, I hate it.

I'm tired... I don't want to watch anymore class online. Having two different professors lecture the same subject for the same credits is lame.

I just need to bitch. URGH.

As of now, I love accounting. I love accounting. I love accounting... well maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I've started to become more and more fond of Sundays. I love what I'm studying, yet rarely have quite enough time to study it... Fridays I catch up on my week and start homework. Saturday I study, but keeping in mind I have one more day... and Sunday, well it's game time.

Long hours of reading case studies and highlighting chapters have become all too comforting. May I remind you that this is the end of week 1 of this quarter. It's good to back in the swing of things, to have the structure and challenges posed by school.

I've been feeling good lately... well balanced, strong and HIGHLY caffeinated. Maybe I'm drinking too much coffee...? But I love it, I need it. It's my rocket fuel, my ticket to ride, my friend. Hmmm, I wonder if this is an addiction for life. We'll see.

Last night was the brightest full moon of the year, it was like a flashlight! Sam, Tay and I played outside on the empty streets. Sam on his skateboard, me running in flip flops and no bra (not a good idea) and Tay with his favorite toy in his mouth (the tennis ball ring). Good times. I love this man... and it keeps getting better. We have survived an unconventional and broken beginning that has paid off to a beautiful present time.

Well back to studying. I'm reading The Essentials of Negotiation and Learning with Cases. Fun!