I've been trying to write for a few days now. The hail is coming down outside my studio, making big blobs of what appears to be ice. The rain brings such a dreary undertone to life... but also hope to what lives outside. Hope that some day the hills will turn as green as they have before, even if it is
only two beautiful weeks.
Since I arrived here almost 6 years ago, I've dreamt of photographing the Spring green. Each year I leave town right around that time and casually think it will hang around until I get back. Never happens. There have been magical moments that I have captured on film, or more currently digitally, but none like that 2 weeks in Spring.
So as the rain pours, I think about the water soaking in and nourishing the ground and its inhabitants, for soon the rolling California hills will grow again, and this year I won't allow myself to miss it. It's just too angelic.
Luna is not driving me
that crazy anymore. She's still insane, yes, but she is ok. If she were a human, she'd definately be diagnosed with a few disorders... hyperactivity, high anxiety... what else... mom?
But she means well. I slept on the couch last night in the main house. As soon as I got home from work about 8:30pm, I watched 3 minutes of the fashion police from the Academy Awards, and passed out. I had to see what the designers are creating for the red carpet, and what the fashionistas are saying about them and those who wear their pieces. Mira woke me up for a foggy conversation around 11pm, and I decided to just stay warm sleeping and deal with the aching hips in the morning. That futon has seen some long days and long nights.
Today is one of those days I wish I could just eat soup and read... or swim, or run, or anything other than work. But a-working I shall go... spreading the knowledge to the general public... changing lives by changing bodies... helping people to find their internal motivation by using my external tactics... tazers, whips... I mean jump ropes, free weights, treadmills...