Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Burning Candles

I've been burning the candle at both ends. Today is another long day... 5:30am to 10pm with a few breaks, but none the less, my adrenals are flowing all day long. I'm tired, I'm hypersensitive to light, sound, people.

I feel like on my breaks I'm never allowed to truly relax. There is always something else to be doing. I suppose most people with full time jobs feel the same way, but they probably make a whole lot more money than I do. I'm not making very much at all. That part is frustrating.

So I sit here in the lobby at work, planning an escape for a few hours. I just feel like I want to cry... a breakdown to make me feel strong again or something. It could be a whole lot worse.

I've decided to love Luna, and she's been better. The weekend was good for her. I was home both days and able to take them both out a few times each day. I think it really made her feel good to know someone was there.

Ok, a walk or something. I'm going crazy.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Hey, cool blog, just cruisin through. I bet the weather is nice there in CA. I am in MN and its cold! Don't work too hard, go jump in the ocean for me!