Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Day Off

Work has been busy, and all I've wanted to do is write. My days lately have been 4:30am wake and 9pm sleep... if I'm lucky. I'm building my client base at Kennedy in the mornings (starting at 5:30am) and have floor shifts afternoons and evenings, sometimes until 10pm. In combo with that, I'm still watching baby Tristam a few days per week and helping to build an afterschool enrichment program with Karla.

Today was my first day off in what seems like weeks. I swept, I mopped, I scrubbed, I watered my plants. I took care of only ME today (well, and two dogs) and it felt great.

Luna is a little crazy for my liking. Tay Tay doesn't get as much attention as he used to with her around. I think he's happier having her to play with during the day, but not so much when people are present. He is used to NEVER being outside, and now he's outside for the majority of the day. Not too pleased with that. She is sweet though, an anxious kind of sweet. However, she sends almost an intense wave of anxiety directly to my head when she paces and cries.

There isn't anything I enjoy more than seeing the two of them play in the ocean together... it makes it all worth it. I do wish I had a little more free time to dedicate to the beach/dog cause.

This week we start teaching the enrichment program... it's one day per week for ten weeks. It should be a good experience.

I love love my place here. I have two dogs on my bed, (only because theirs are too dirty to put on my clean floor) I'm surrounded by plants and art and music. I love my freedom, I love my friends and my work makes me feel good.

I am learning so much about myself, where I want my career to lead, about life, about love, about fear and doubts... each day I learn, I read, I speak, I teach.

I've been listening to this recording every morning for about a month now... his name is Dr. Rob Gilbert. He records a new message every day with inspiring thoughts and stories. I'm hooked. I encourage anyone who took the time to read this to call him everyday for a week... he'll change your life. His number is: 973-743-4690. He's a professor somewhere on the east coast. Not sure the specifics.

Now I will sleep and back to work tomorrow... hopefully I will have some time to write a newsletter in the next couple of days. I've been doing all kinds of research lately, so much to write about... I love it.

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