Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I've realized much in the last few days... especially how one certain person whose intentions were only positive, was tossing me around like I was a rag doll on the end of a whip.

I cared too much. I think that's a common Scorpio trait.

So now we prepare for Cozumel :O) Christmas in Tahoe started to lose its steam after a few too many injuries on icy slopes. The snow in California is not like it used to be!

As cold as it is, as tired as I am of working, as many stuggles as are present, I love my life.

I feel like a huge cloud was lifted.

Oh and the bare bone structure of my site is up if anyone still reads this thing :O) jennahealy.com

1 comment:

pedro said...

i like the site. it's going places.