Monday, December 24, 2007

Me duele la cabesa

I'm in Cozumel, Mexico with significant pressure in my head. What was an itchy throat turned into a stuffy nose and head. URGH.

It's absolutely beautiful here... white sand beaches, palm trees... it's quite an interesting tourist stop though. Each day big cruise ships pull into port and unload hundreds, maybe even thousands of 'coneheads' into town. You can see them waddle about, knowing their from somewhere in the midwest... Americans at their finest, following one person with a big red sign, waiting to buy and eat, exactly what the locals want and need for survival.

The horses pulling buggies wear sombreros, which flop about on their heads as they trot down the street. Everyone wants and needs our business, and there's a piece of me unnerved by the concept. There seems to be no pollution control because all cars and scooters smoke ridiculously.

The rest of the family is diving today, and here I sit at the Internet Cafe trying to figure out the yoga community I teach in and how to keep my own steam rolling into the new year. The new location of the Yoga Centre is going to be at the Academy of Dance off of Orcutt, but I'm hesitating about riding my bike down 227 at night. Am I just being a baby? Is it time for me to not teach for a while, or teach at Kennedy or Club 24, or at a public church?

I know I may very well be building classes from the ground up, so I want to be certain that I'm doing it in a place where I'm sustainable. These thoughts are swirling in and out of my head as I try to sleep breathing out of my mouth.

Yesterday we toured the island in a jeep... drove to the east side and had yummy fish tacos, made friends with a Siamese cat named Tequila, a hound dog named Fox and a bunch of horses. Mom finally went snorkeling naked, a dream come true, and we made it back to our relaxing abode with a few Blockbuster rentals... they have Starbucks here too!

I can't tell if all the decongestants have gotten to my head, or if I'm really just this sick, but I feel terrible, dizzy and ill.

It may be time to go back to the room and put my feet up.

We are all having a blast here, snorkeling, diving (them not me), and really just spending quality time with each other, not a regular experience anymore. This family is so eccentric, as I'm sure all would claim to be, but really, these are the most entertaining three I know, always adventurous, always hilarious, always happy and hungry. There will be a detox when we get home I'm sure. It's near impossible to find a whole grain on the island.

I'm off to relax in paradise... hoping this Christmas Eve my head clears up, and I figure out just what I need. I miss the Musician, but luckily he loaded me up with groovy tunes before I left... so he remains in my thoughts. After all the years and the ups and downs, maybe we can work it out someday. I've learned that I can't hold on too tight, but just have to release it into the universe, and if it comes back, it has the potential to be a beautiful thing.

Adios :O)

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