Saturday, May 31, 2008

Shift, Grad, Life

Napa this weekend for a wedding with The Musician. It seems there's been a shift in the energy of the universe this week... maybe it's just the waning moon, or a shift in the stars, but I was liking last week's energy better.

I sent my graduate school application yesterday and although I'm not the strongest candidate, I'm hopeful. The city job will most likely be 3/4 time next July with 3/4 benefits... which may work if I'm not enrolled in grad school and still doing the same thing. I feel like that's unlikely though. Usually when I get the itch to change, I find the best and quickest way to implement it. Maybe it was my ever-so-nurturing mom who never let me suffer, but I really have trouble putting my head down and working hard when I'm not fulfilled on many levels.

Life is an interesting thing. I feel like we humans dance around each others lives, especially in this town. I saw my old organic chemistry lab partner this morning as I was running and she was biking... both big grins on our faces. This town really forces people to get over resentment and harvested negative emotion. You see, on any given day in SLO, I can run into someone from my favorite eatery, an old boyfriend, an old coworker or two as well as friends or classmates, teachers, fire fighters or bus drivers... the faces start to all become familiar, with the exception of the new students, which are usually at school then at the bars at night. The interactions can be pleasant surprises or not so pleasant surprises. I guess it keeps us all on our toes!

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