Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New York Round Two

The second half of my journey in New York begun on Tuesday; my mom and sister arrived in the early evening. Knowing they'd be famished and needing nourishment, I'd gone to the local produce stand and bought as many vegetables as I could carry.

I knew dinner may be in a few different rounds... Morgan was due to arrive along with Ryan and Michelle. I prepped a gigantic bowl of vegetables: kale, cabbages, carrots, onions. I had tofu marinating in low sodium soy sauce (a second to shoyu), ginger, garlic and olive oil. In another bowl I had a huge salad with everything you could imagine! Carrots, spinach, mixed greens, cabbage, sprouts, etc. I also had sweet potatoes 90% done so the last heat would make them perfect. So when people showed up, all I had to do was throw ingredients into a pan, and poof! Dinner was served.

We took both dogs for a walk before Ryan and Michelle arrived, wandering around the streets of Brooklyn. It felt great to have a comfort group again.

I realized how much I depend on other people to motivate ME sometimes. I mean, it's a much different world motivating and UNmotivated person without anyone around you. It's almost too easy to get sucked in to T.V. or the comforts of a couch.

I did learn a lot while I was there, and I hope Ryan did too. I learned how I will act on these intensives in the future, and realize that if it's a live-in situation, I probably need to venture out more on my own.

I had a GREAT time... saw so many things. I'm going to start a new post to trick you into reading more!

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