Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Same Sex Hand Holding Day

Today is Valentine's Day... the Hallmark holiday from hell, or what Karla calls 'same sex hand holding day.' I'm not entirely sure why she calls it that, but it sounds much better than the dreaded V word.

The day started off well, with just one client in the morning followed by a killer workout. It's hard for me to exercise at Kennedy without making a scene because a lot of what I do is yoga based with challenging balance and flexibility moves. The good news is that I have my ipod back, and I tuned out of the Kennedy zone and into my own world. My boss was near by and proposed to me after a series of backbends. It was a good laugh. I could have worked out for hours. In fact, I think I'm going to go back later and work out again... or perhaps run or swim.

Although I know that today is a bullshit holiday, it still sucks being alone. As Ben Harper says, 'with so many people to love in my life, why do I worry about one?' It's too easy to dwell on those relationships that fizzled out before their time, or memories of being in love. My overactive brain is not liking this holiday!

So the energy of the day is being spent on me and my own body. Their was talk of going surfing, but I'm not really feeling like being with people. I'm setting off for a run... at least. I'll see what the vibe is from there. The sun is out at least, probably in the 70's. I am so spoiled here.
Devin is supposed to know where he's living in the next few hours. Last I heard it's between Geneva, Italy or Switzerland. Deep breaths. That's one rock in my life I don't know if I'll ever be ready to lose.

With unfolded laundry on my bed, pictures waiting to be matted on my table, dishes in the sink and a sleeping dog, I'm going against the odds and running away, literally. And the best part is, I'm not thinking twice about it.

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