Thursday, February 09, 2006

Week of Fun

This week has been an interesting one for sure. My spirits are up, and I feel great, but I feel like a few things have gone wrong. First, I got sick the other night... I am thinking it was food poisoning, but whatever it was, I was puking for about 5 hours. Disgusting I know. I felt like I was on my death bed.

So one full day of recovery from that and I was going strong again. I went for my first dose of exercise last night, a sunset walk with my neighbor Lonnie. He took his son Kai in the baby jogger as well. I noticed when we were in the Elfin Forest that my finger started to swell. I didn't see a bug or spider, so I just thought maybe my joints were swelling?

The swelling got progressively worse for the next 4 hours. Pretty soon my hand was twice it's size too. I took an antihistamine, but no difference. I finally decided at 9pm to take myself in to see if I needed a shot or something. Honestly I just wanted peace of mind... to know that I could sleep and wake up again. Paranoia, I know.

Anyway, Lonnie offered to take me in to the ER (the only place open). We were in and out within an hour. They basically said to watch it, gave me a prescription for an antibiotic if it got worse, and sent me home. I felt like a wimp, but Lonnie emphasized that it is better to know than not to know. Fifty bucks later anyway.

Today, I almost overslept for my morning obligations... a client at Kennedy and my class at Avila. I didn't sleep very well. I talked to The Musician for a good hour, which was nice, but still sucks. I am happy for him that he is finding peace or love with his ex... but frustrated.

So now, my throat hurts and I passed out on the couch for a long nap, skipping work I really needed to get done. Deep breaths. Finger is still throbbing.

I have to prep for a VO2 max test I'm taking in the morning for a coworker. That means fasting, or for hypoglycemics like myself... disaster. I will make it.

My spirit is high, but what a week!

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