Sunday, April 30, 2006

Yoga Kids

I don't think I've written about the Wednesday after school lesson in Atascadero, but I keep thinking about it. The lesson was on balance and flexibility, and we did a yoga activity. Erin and I started off with a demo... I told them to stay very very quiet, and I first did a backbend from standing. A few of the girls said, "I can do that!" and then we asked what was necessary for that demo?

For the next trick, I jumped up on the ball on my knees, they kept chatting a bit to eachother while they watched, but as I stepped one foot up, then the next foot up and stood up, they were dead silent. As I stood on the ball (yes, the full stability ball) they were amazed. It was the perfect intro to the lesson... and they could see how much concentration it took.

Anyway, we taught the lesson, and afterward we did a yoga activity. I had my mat in the front of the class, and all 15 students had towels facing forward. I put them through a few vinyasas just to get them warmed up. There were a few laughs from the hyperactive boys, but most everyone was intensely watching. I did a few basic poses, Padangusthasana, Utthita Trikonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana A, Virabhadrasana A & B, Dandasana, Padmasana, and ended with 3 intonations of om and a long Savasana. Afterwards, one girl sat up and said, "can we do that again?" Of course! I let them hang out in Savasana for a good 5 mins the second time until we had to get going.

We brought lemon/cucumber water for them to taste, and finished up with a post-test to see what they'd learned. Of all the lessons, this was my favorite. They were so quiet, so balanced, and all focussing on their ujjayi breathing. Good times.

This was the first time I've taught to an older group of kids. I used to teach 3-5 year olds at Avila, but they were so tiny and didn't always have the best bodily control. This age was pretty fun... we have one kindergartener, and the rest 3-6th grades. Still no adults... but I don't think I'm ready for adults, I have much to learn still.


It's Sunday... and the last weekend day I'll be working for a while. Six work days per week is too much, but it's not entirely horrid because I really enjoy what I do.

I've been contemplating since I decided to move, if it's time for me to relocate? San Francisco, New York, Stockholm? Or is it time for accupuncture school? The longer I stay in this area, the more I realize how we are all in a constant transient state. This place is a stepping stone... but with the ever present beauty and opportunity for outdoor adventure, if one can afford to live here, it's paradise.

My problem is that I can't afford to live here... not with my current financials. I save everything, only really spending money on gas and food, with the occasional massage or body treatment, (which is essential to my well being,) and it still doesn't cut it.

So now, do I move to SLO... do I move across country... do I go back to school?

I think the solution for the time being is to work my ass off as a trainer for a while and make as much as I possibly can, looking forward towards administrative opportunities, and if it doesn't work... well then I'll move on.

Something that I've been thinking a lot about is the breakup of 'Three's Company' or Yukie, Karla and Devin. For the last few years, their house has been like a second home, a place of endless laughs, good wine, good food, good times... and all of it is reaching culmination. Yukie moves out soon to a studio in SLO, Devin leaves (seemingly momentarily) for Japan, and Karla will find 2 new roomies. I don't necessarily think it's a bad move for any party involved, but it poses a new aspect of reality in this (again) transient town.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Pulling up the Roots

Today I made a good decision... to move back into San Luis Obispo. I've been out here in Los Osos for almost 2 years, and I don't regret a day of it. What I care very little for is the amount of time in which I spend driving in and out of SLO. I make at least 2 trips per day, as I usually have early morning clients and afternoon clients. It just makes sense to move back in... I'm paying about $35/week in gas or about $140 per month. My rent now is $625+utilities... and SLO will be somewhere around $700-$800+utilities. That pretty much evens out.

So I put an email out earlier this evening, and already I have 2 leads. They are both in my old neighborhood, a place I have held in my heart for quite some time. Both in walking distance to downtown and High Street Deli. I'm going to check one place out tomorrow... we'll see!

I'm actually quite excited about it. I was pretty bitter when my roomie/landlord raised rent for me, mostly because it was at a really inopportune time, but also because I have no kitchen, no heat, and we always run the risk of utilities shutting off b/c he doesn't pay the bill. No gas for 3 days last week was fun! Anyway, even though I LOVE my studio, I do not love driving, and cannot wait to ride my bike everywhere again :) So the search is on! I spent about 1 1/2 hours tonight searching the internet, but as I've learned time and time again in this town, connections will get you everywhere.

This past week was really good at work... I think I started about 5 new clients, not all consistent yet, but it's a-growin'! I feel good about the work I'm doing, and love learning from each of my clients. It's such a feel good job. I know I change lives.

Also, I had a foot spa treatment today, neurofeedback and used a chi machine. I played at a new friend, Karla's house today. The foot spa was quite interesting. What it does is sends an electrical frequency through the body and lets it release toxins, metals, and organ junk. The colors that come out are pretty cool. The whole tub was cloudy black-green with swirrels of brown. So cool. I think we're going to trade. She made me realize again how awesome it was being raised with such an awareness of health and wellness. It really appears that I'm ahead of the game, so to speak. Thanks mom.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Old Lady

It's not yet 9:15pm, and already I'm past my bedtime. This lifestyle I've created is quite refreshing by day, but pretty lame at night. Every day this week I have 5:30am appointments, and I can't blame people for wanting to get their exercise in before work... but man alive! It's seeming earlier and earlier each time. I don't know how long I can handle it.

The largest change has been my lack of drinking and late nights, which I can't say is necessarily a bad thing. My evenings have evolved so much that on weekends I have no urge to go out. I've really disconnected with most social things besides work. I joke about it frequently, and I don't think it'd be so dreary if I had someone to keep me company... other than my now stinky dog.

Some good news: my orchid is about to re-bloom! I've killed a few orchids in my life... but currently I have 2 live, healthy plants, one of which is getting pretty close to blooming! Perhaps the sheet will block it's sun? Maybe it will be an evening sheet?

I do have a beautiful place to live in this studio... but rarely do I have company, or even the energy to entertain. Maybe it's just a little hibernation.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bad Ass Pirates

I guess I just go for periods of time without writing... and that's OK. I think a lot about it, and often write the story of my life in my head, but it seems rarely have I gotten in out lately.

Much has been happening in the last while. Work has been good. I'm acquiring clients, building a reputation, having fun... but also working long hours, going to bed painfully early, and my social life it pretty much non-existent.

The two men I have feelings for have significant others, which leads me to believe I choose the wrong men. Shocking, I know! There is a new interest developing at work, who I invited to a film at The Palm today about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He brought a friend. When one-on-one we have a lot to talk about, but with an uncomfortable friend, all bets were off. I took off to wander.

The film was about a group of people who harass whalers and have sunk 9 whaling ships while in harbor. They are pretty much modern day pirates. Incredibly enough, about 1,000 whales are being killed each year, currently! The Japanese government is trying to sell whale meats and products to kids to get them hooked. This organization (who is affiliated with GreenPeace) is shooting to raise 3 million dollars for a new ship that can keep up with whaling ships. Check out their site for ways to help them reach this goal. I gave $20 today, as that's all I can really afford, actually more than I can afford... but you can donate old cars, ships, or frequent flyer miles as well.

Anyway, life is good in Los Osos, but there is still a missing link. I'm not sure what my next step in life is, but I'm trying to keep my head on tight... trying to keep an aspect of zen at all times.

I finally got on my yoga mat for the first time in a long time. I determined that my uncovered front sliding door was the cause of much anxiety due to the next door neighbor lurking. I covered it with one of my favorite sheets... you know mom, the one with the red, blue and yellow flowers we used to picnic on? Well, it's proven to bring a large sense of security, and my practice was great today. Why on earth didn't I do that sooner?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Disappearing Act

Ok, so maybe I haven't found enough time to write lately, but I find if I don't write about something while it's happening, there is always something else I feel compelled to write about.

I've been formulating the next newsletter for the last month or two... not feeling like it's ready, but when it is, it will be worth reading.

So today is Wednesday. Yesterday I worked from 5:30am and didn't get home until 9ish. Yes, I did take 3 hours to workout and a lunch break and a spin class, but I was still exhausted. Maybe even more so that if I'd just been working others out and not myself. While I was working, one of my coworkers came in to workout, saying he needed cardio. I agreed, and said that I too needed a mega dose of consistent cardio. We talked about both being on a fat loss mission. He says, "want to make a contest out of it?" I immediately replied, "yes!" as that was just the motivation I was looking for.

Don't get me wrong, for the last 2 months or so I've been very committed to my fitness goals, increasing cardio, lifting a lot. But now, this is forcing me to take a very close look at my diet. For the most part it is great, but I do slip up for sweets or salts eventually. Over the next few hours, we recruited at least a dozen more participants.

We took our baseline bodyfat measurements yesterday. I'm at 21.8% body fat... which is well within the normal range, but I have a bit to lose... and some incentive. It's $25/person to enter, and with at least 10 participants, the prize would be $250ish. That's what I'm talking about!

I did a few calculations, and if I were to lose 13lbs of fat, I'd be at 14.6% body fat... could I win with that loss? It's about 1.6lbs per week since it's an 8 week program. If I were to lose 18lbs, I'd be at 11.7% body fat... which is probably a little low for me. Something also to consider is the triathlon training, and converting these muscles from lifting muscles to swim/bike/run muscles. Oh this is going to be fun!!!

This is a true test of my commitment to this field. Losing weight is an uphill battle, and boy do I like to climb those mountains!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I don't realize how much I like to write until it's been too long. I think my last blog was just before the NY trip.

So much has happened. New York was amazing... I drove up to San Jose with both dogs, stayed the night and flew out early in the morning. We flew all day, having to stop in Dallas for a few hours.

The first day or so we were in the city, I couldn't help but to look for three particular connections:
1. I was searching for the all too familiar cast of Sex and the City walking down the streets.
2. I was scheming about where the SVU detectives would find their next body... in Central Park, underneath the trash piles, on the subway???
3. Does Central Perk actually exist? Where were my famous 6 Friends hiding out?

Anyway, my brain gave it a rest after a day or so and I could relax into my surroundings, or as much as New Yorkers relax.

The conference was amazing. The first day Christa and I spend entirely with Gabrielle Roth. She developed the '5 rhythms' theory for dance while working at Esalon decades ago. I've read one of her books, and have danced with her music a bit. The class was great to watch unwind, watching people new to letting their bodies move was just amazing. There is something so freeing about letting the body do it's thing. Gabrielle looked extremely tired, or hung over or something, but her wisdom was priceless.

I plan on writing more about the conference, putting together some notes and such, in due time. Another highlight was Malcolm Gladwell, more later.

We went to Canal Street to shop, kind of like being in Tijuana but with English speaking people. The diversity in NY was terrific. I love where I live, but we are so white it's disgusting! It was refreshing to see people of all colors, and for that to be normal.

We flew back on Monday, to JFK to LAX to San Jose. On the flight to LA I saw Mariska Hargitay, or Olivia Bensen from SVU. I've literally seen every episode. I couldn't wait to tell my SVU fanatics... Mira, 3s Company... so exciting. Tuesday morning I drove the three hours in the rain back to Los Osos.

So I had my interview on Tuesday afternoon for Fitness Director. Yukie told me she'd help prep me but forgot... I let it go; I was mentally prepared... I put so much intention and thought into the position. I did great. I felt confident. I was glad I got the chance to sit down with 5 very talented directors/managers and to show them who I am and what I am capable of.

I knew it was a little premature because I've only been there about 10 weeks, but I had to try. I didn't get it. Basically the verdict was that I haven't been there long enough. Bummed. But, the harder I work, the more steps I take, the more likely I will get a better position in time.

So I found out I didn't get the job, and also found out that the accommodations for Mammouth fell through. Damn. Roommate Ryan was planning on going to his cabin, but said he didn't have room for Chris and I. Whatever. So I was bumming pretty bad... sitting talking to Ryan about being scared about money and such. Then he tells me he's raising my rent... by $150 per month. Great timing Ry. All that with the combo of getting yelled at by a member at Kennedy for advising his 10-year-old to workout with a parent on the weight floor, I pretty much said a big FU to the world for a few days and kept to myself.

Dogs needing attention, to be continued...