Saturday, April 08, 2006


I don't realize how much I like to write until it's been too long. I think my last blog was just before the NY trip.

So much has happened. New York was amazing... I drove up to San Jose with both dogs, stayed the night and flew out early in the morning. We flew all day, having to stop in Dallas for a few hours.

The first day or so we were in the city, I couldn't help but to look for three particular connections:
1. I was searching for the all too familiar cast of Sex and the City walking down the streets.
2. I was scheming about where the SVU detectives would find their next body... in Central Park, underneath the trash piles, on the subway???
3. Does Central Perk actually exist? Where were my famous 6 Friends hiding out?

Anyway, my brain gave it a rest after a day or so and I could relax into my surroundings, or as much as New Yorkers relax.

The conference was amazing. The first day Christa and I spend entirely with Gabrielle Roth. She developed the '5 rhythms' theory for dance while working at Esalon decades ago. I've read one of her books, and have danced with her music a bit. The class was great to watch unwind, watching people new to letting their bodies move was just amazing. There is something so freeing about letting the body do it's thing. Gabrielle looked extremely tired, or hung over or something, but her wisdom was priceless.

I plan on writing more about the conference, putting together some notes and such, in due time. Another highlight was Malcolm Gladwell, more later.

We went to Canal Street to shop, kind of like being in Tijuana but with English speaking people. The diversity in NY was terrific. I love where I live, but we are so white it's disgusting! It was refreshing to see people of all colors, and for that to be normal.

We flew back on Monday, to JFK to LAX to San Jose. On the flight to LA I saw Mariska Hargitay, or Olivia Bensen from SVU. I've literally seen every episode. I couldn't wait to tell my SVU fanatics... Mira, 3s Company... so exciting. Tuesday morning I drove the three hours in the rain back to Los Osos.

So I had my interview on Tuesday afternoon for Fitness Director. Yukie told me she'd help prep me but forgot... I let it go; I was mentally prepared... I put so much intention and thought into the position. I did great. I felt confident. I was glad I got the chance to sit down with 5 very talented directors/managers and to show them who I am and what I am capable of.

I knew it was a little premature because I've only been there about 10 weeks, but I had to try. I didn't get it. Basically the verdict was that I haven't been there long enough. Bummed. But, the harder I work, the more steps I take, the more likely I will get a better position in time.

So I found out I didn't get the job, and also found out that the accommodations for Mammouth fell through. Damn. Roommate Ryan was planning on going to his cabin, but said he didn't have room for Chris and I. Whatever. So I was bumming pretty bad... sitting talking to Ryan about being scared about money and such. Then he tells me he's raising my rent... by $150 per month. Great timing Ry. All that with the combo of getting yelled at by a member at Kennedy for advising his 10-year-old to workout with a parent on the weight floor, I pretty much said a big FU to the world for a few days and kept to myself.

Dogs needing attention, to be continued...

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