Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bad Ass Pirates

I guess I just go for periods of time without writing... and that's OK. I think a lot about it, and often write the story of my life in my head, but it seems rarely have I gotten in out lately.

Much has been happening in the last while. Work has been good. I'm acquiring clients, building a reputation, having fun... but also working long hours, going to bed painfully early, and my social life it pretty much non-existent.

The two men I have feelings for have significant others, which leads me to believe I choose the wrong men. Shocking, I know! There is a new interest developing at work, who I invited to a film at The Palm today about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He brought a friend. When one-on-one we have a lot to talk about, but with an uncomfortable friend, all bets were off. I took off to wander.

The film was about a group of people who harass whalers and have sunk 9 whaling ships while in harbor. They are pretty much modern day pirates. Incredibly enough, about 1,000 whales are being killed each year, currently! The Japanese government is trying to sell whale meats and products to kids to get them hooked. This organization (who is affiliated with GreenPeace) is shooting to raise 3 million dollars for a new ship that can keep up with whaling ships. Check out their site for ways to help them reach this goal. I gave $20 today, as that's all I can really afford, actually more than I can afford... but you can donate old cars, ships, or frequent flyer miles as well.

Anyway, life is good in Los Osos, but there is still a missing link. I'm not sure what my next step in life is, but I'm trying to keep my head on tight... trying to keep an aspect of zen at all times.

I finally got on my yoga mat for the first time in a long time. I determined that my uncovered front sliding door was the cause of much anxiety due to the next door neighbor lurking. I covered it with one of my favorite sheets... you know mom, the one with the red, blue and yellow flowers we used to picnic on? Well, it's proven to bring a large sense of security, and my practice was great today. Why on earth didn't I do that sooner?

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