Sunday, April 30, 2006


It's Sunday... and the last weekend day I'll be working for a while. Six work days per week is too much, but it's not entirely horrid because I really enjoy what I do.

I've been contemplating since I decided to move, if it's time for me to relocate? San Francisco, New York, Stockholm? Or is it time for accupuncture school? The longer I stay in this area, the more I realize how we are all in a constant transient state. This place is a stepping stone... but with the ever present beauty and opportunity for outdoor adventure, if one can afford to live here, it's paradise.

My problem is that I can't afford to live here... not with my current financials. I save everything, only really spending money on gas and food, with the occasional massage or body treatment, (which is essential to my well being,) and it still doesn't cut it.

So now, do I move to SLO... do I move across country... do I go back to school?

I think the solution for the time being is to work my ass off as a trainer for a while and make as much as I possibly can, looking forward towards administrative opportunities, and if it doesn't work... well then I'll move on.

Something that I've been thinking a lot about is the breakup of 'Three's Company' or Yukie, Karla and Devin. For the last few years, their house has been like a second home, a place of endless laughs, good wine, good food, good times... and all of it is reaching culmination. Yukie moves out soon to a studio in SLO, Devin leaves (seemingly momentarily) for Japan, and Karla will find 2 new roomies. I don't necessarily think it's a bad move for any party involved, but it poses a new aspect of reality in this (again) transient town.

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