Friday, April 28, 2006

Pulling up the Roots

Today I made a good decision... to move back into San Luis Obispo. I've been out here in Los Osos for almost 2 years, and I don't regret a day of it. What I care very little for is the amount of time in which I spend driving in and out of SLO. I make at least 2 trips per day, as I usually have early morning clients and afternoon clients. It just makes sense to move back in... I'm paying about $35/week in gas or about $140 per month. My rent now is $625+utilities... and SLO will be somewhere around $700-$800+utilities. That pretty much evens out.

So I put an email out earlier this evening, and already I have 2 leads. They are both in my old neighborhood, a place I have held in my heart for quite some time. Both in walking distance to downtown and High Street Deli. I'm going to check one place out tomorrow... we'll see!

I'm actually quite excited about it. I was pretty bitter when my roomie/landlord raised rent for me, mostly because it was at a really inopportune time, but also because I have no kitchen, no heat, and we always run the risk of utilities shutting off b/c he doesn't pay the bill. No gas for 3 days last week was fun! Anyway, even though I LOVE my studio, I do not love driving, and cannot wait to ride my bike everywhere again :) So the search is on! I spent about 1 1/2 hours tonight searching the internet, but as I've learned time and time again in this town, connections will get you everywhere.

This past week was really good at work... I think I started about 5 new clients, not all consistent yet, but it's a-growin'! I feel good about the work I'm doing, and love learning from each of my clients. It's such a feel good job. I know I change lives.

Also, I had a foot spa treatment today, neurofeedback and used a chi machine. I played at a new friend, Karla's house today. The foot spa was quite interesting. What it does is sends an electrical frequency through the body and lets it release toxins, metals, and organ junk. The colors that come out are pretty cool. The whole tub was cloudy black-green with swirrels of brown. So cool. I think we're going to trade. She made me realize again how awesome it was being raised with such an awareness of health and wellness. It really appears that I'm ahead of the game, so to speak. Thanks mom.

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