Monday, April 02, 2007

Brooklyn Day 1

Day 1 of Brooklyn, New York!

Today started where yesterday ended... on a red eye from San Jose to Newark, NJ. I half way slept due to the fact I occupied a middle seat. The man to my left was large and cuddley, so I leaned his way a few times.

I took a few different trains, but with commuter traffic (7-8am) and my baggage, I took a cab staight from manhattan. Now, knowing where the hell I am, not a big deal, but lost in the city with stuff, not so much.

So I got here, met the two precious boxers, who decided to lick me to pieces... I didn't argue since I had plain stench on me anyway. What a refreshing way to start the day!! After about an hour I started feeling sleepy and took a good nap.

Ryan and I headed for his girlfriend's house on the G Train in Brooklyn. She twisted her ankle, so we brought her Arnica gel and an ace bandage... oh and some chamomile and lavender tea for inflammation.

We then took a train to Manhattan where we shopped for running shoes and searched for JivaMukti, the yoga studio. We then ate a vegan lunch at a restaurant whose name I'm sure to eventually remember, and made Ryan's meal plan for his transition.

We then went to see 300 on IMAX which was incredible and LOUD! The men in that movie were delicious looking. Holy abdominals. I think that made the movie for me. Otherwise it was pretty bloody and violent, but the bodies... and they wore little speedo-like things so you could really see their legs. I'll get over it.

We then went to Whole Foods to get dinner, at this point we were famished so bought EVERYTHING in the store... carrying back on the L Train was tricky, but luckily, not far to walk.

I love vacation. I love that I'm able to take time off. I know I'm going to be a better employee and person because of this trip. Ray and I leave for Oahu on the 21st, and that will be the perfect Yin for this Yang life in NYC.

New Yorkers are quite interesting. Ryan tells me to not make eye contact... and the one time I did, the guy OBVIOUSLY looked me up and down. Crap. I'm used to at least trying the friendly vibe, but people here are so anonymous, it's amazing. We haven't seen anyone he knows AT ALL (besides his girlfriend) and he's been here 4 years!! If it were SLO, I'd have run into 15 people who I am closely connected to. Lots of freak shows too.

He's teaching me about the culture, about the trains, the city, the trends, the arts, and I'm teaching him about his body. It should be so simple. Such a good trade.

Well I should sleep. It's past midnight here, and even in California, it's past my bedtime. is kind of nice being the only one with a tan here... but not flip flop weather--I'll have to wait until Hawaii.

1 comment:

yogi momma said...

wow, so glad to see you writing.... write more! tell us about your yoga, and the yummy food you are eating!