I've felt for a while now that my pyramid is unsteady, ironic because the name of my blog is balance. I originally started writing to convey health information to clients/family/friends but in the past few years this has turned into my electronic forum for self expression, in many forms.
Let's start from the bottom. Physiologically I'm good, especially since switching back over to veganism... not to mention 6 lbs lighter in the last 2 weeks and regular digestion. I just need to remember my combination and all is well with the physical.
Safety. Well... the job is not safe, budget cuts just greatly diminished my resources at work, and for an under appreciated program already, the straws are adding up. Resources: I make less than I spend. I'd say in America I'm in good company, but not for my liking. Family-good, health-good, property-don't have any. So the bottom to levels are OK, not entirely safe, but not unsafe.
Love/Belonging, the third level. There are uncertainties in this category. Do I love my family, friends, man? Yes. Is my relationship with The Musician sustainable? As hopeful as I like to be, only time will tell. So is there a knot in my stomach as of late? Indeed, only one herbal remedies and many many miles can cure.
Esteem. My self esteem is in a good place... I need to be careful of it however because I have SO many interactions with SO many people on a regular basis. I sometimes have anxiety about how I've left situations or the impressions I've given to others. Being known by the sugar addicts as the 'snack Nazi' doesn't help, but I'm learning that I have to do what I do regardless of the opinions of others, some won't like me, others will. I know I'm making a positive impact.
Self Actualization: I seem good on this one. How I managed to skip to the top without the foundation is beyond me.
Now there's my current pyramid, but what's good to remember is that this is America. We have it better here than in any other country and completely take advantage of it. I know some people on the planet are in war zones, are starving, being held captive, being abused, etc. So is my life that bad? NO. Are my struggles valid? Yes, but they are insignificant in the eyes of the planet as a whole.
A little heartache, some job uncertainty and financial struggles... I think I can manage without medicating too much. The more I struggle, the more I run. If it lasts much longer, I'm going to be pretty thin.