Saturday, June 07, 2008

Holy Ashtanga!

This morning at 10 AM I met a few friends (mostly yoga teachers) at the Sanitarium in SLO for Ashtanga practice. I haven't practiced full primary series probably in years. It felt so damn good! I had forgotten what a balanced practice it feels like. Of course there were those poses that I despise and just try to stay centered in, but it felt really nostalgic. Ashtanga was the first practice I did regularly, and by regularly I mean 1-2 days per week. Now, regularly is at least 4 days per week, but back then, 2 was all I could swallow.

Jonathan, the teacher, would say things like, "the mouth is for eating, nose is for breathing" or "ankle pain-no problem, that's good". He was very intertaining and very knowledgeable.

My body was done by the closing sequence. I had coffee this morning, and that practice has enough fire to burn out my caffeine high. I hopped on my bike to ride home where I plopped down to a huge bowl of fruit salad and greek style yogurt with flax and agave. Yum. I will feel that practice tomorrow, no doubt.

A few cool events in SLO town today--the Raw Foods Cafe is opening at Smiling Dog today at 4, and Mark (Hana's husband) is having a 50th birthday party tonight... which should be a mix of the most eclectic folks--all ages, all open and loving. It should be a great time.

I'm really enjoying my alone time today, with just my little pup. I don't think I am getting enough of it. I think it's a scorpio thing to get attached when in love, and I feel a little imbalanced in it. I love my man, but I can't forget to love myself first. The maternal, selfless side in me wants to make sure that both he and Tay are loved and taken care of first, but that's not always sustainable if my needs aren't met. The fault is only my own. I head up to San Jose on Wednesday evening for a Thursday conference and then a few days of studying for the GMAT and playing with mi familia. I need it. I don't spend enough time with those pillars in my life; the people I could never shake--even if I tried; mom, Christa, and Larry. I'm a very lucky girl to have such a rockin' support system.

I guess I should start the laundry and cleaning process, but after that practice, I'm pooped!

I took some shots of The Musician at the wedding last weekend... here is one of my favorites:

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