Friday, January 13, 2006

Chopped Soup

It's obvious to me, and probably all of you who take the time to read this, that the confusion levels in my life are enormous. I feel like I'm a big pot of soup, complete with largely chopped education, stringy work experience, customer service skills, and right now a bitter sweet attitude. Of course I'm made of a soy-miso paste at heart, what else?

I picked up the back bar shifts at Black Sheep this weekend. I made a few bucks last night... actually more than I ever made at Giuseppe's. It felt comfortable... seeing all of my friends and co-workers again. But, I feel the itching urge to walk away from everything work related in life. I'm tired of having 2-3 jobs... of not being insured... of not knowing exactly how I'm going to pay rent.

I hung out with Rogina last night before work. She finally found her own apartment, and her freedom. It was so cool to witness; she's come a long way. Anyway, we decided to get some dinner before I went in to B.S. at 9:30. We stumbled upon Farmer's Market, where to my erie surprise, I started to hear The Musician's voice echoing around town. Of course he was playing... of course! Why wouldn't he be?

I tried to escape by going into Grappalo for some chianti. Soon enough, it was time to find food and go to work. I heard The Musician everywhere I went in town, and had a hard time tuning it out. He sounded great... and I can't even be bitter. He's going back to his love... who am I to stand in the way?

The time has come for something solid to stand on. I need a foundation on which to live and survive. I never understood why people would want full time jobs... isn't the flexible schedule and unkept hours a thrill? Why would anyone want to work 8-5?

So, now is the time to figure my shit out. The job hunt begins... something new, something fresh, something in my field of interest, something that can allow me to sleep at night. I want no more jambalaya or chopped soup.

I shouldn't have much trouble finding work, but I want something to stick. No more jumping around for work, and hopefully no more driving.

I can do it. If I've learned anything in life, I know that I can do it. I just need to figure out what first, and then make it happen. Simple as that. And, no more musicians.

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