Sunday, January 22, 2006

Jumbled Jobs

I've been trying to find my way in the dark as of late. I feel like I've been trying to do everything all at once... which has led to a spiraling out of control.

So I quit working at Giuseppe's... and I'm putting in my notice at Avila very soon... and I've picked up the back bar shifts at Black Sheep one or two nights/week from 9:30pm-2am... and a temporary nanny job... and got hired at the new Kennedy Club Fitness. Whew.

I can't help but laugh at my job status. Hopefully Kennedy will be all I need. The facility is beautiful! 50 meter pool, doctors and physical therapists on staff, massage therapists, basketball, squash, raquetball, sand volleyball, a spinning room, 3 group fitness rooms! It continues on... steam, sauna, and 6,000 members!

It is going to be a great challenge, but I'm hoping to establish myself there so that it can be my only job. I need the simplicity. I remember when it was first put in... I was upset because I used to run a 9 mile loop around that land. It was uninhabited for the most part except for a few cows. The building is quite the monstrosity... but from a fitness standpoint, there is no place around here that can offer what they can. I already know about half of the trainers... and they are good people. I'm stoked.

On that note, I feel like I'm starting a much more peaceful chapter... so here is a peaceful picture I took one night after riding my bike w/Tay down to the bay.

My intentions now are to find success in my field, in such a way that I enjoy life and not lose myself in the process... and to do more yoga!

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