Friday, January 06, 2006


I am back at my Nia classes and it feels great. The holidays are finally over, and I've found somewhat of a routine. The problem lies once again with my work.

My current dilemma: do I quit restaurants all together, avoiding the time commitment and energy towards a new job... thus becoming a full-time trainer? Giuseppe's has NOT been what I've wanted it to be. I've not had any serving shifts yet, which means very little money. I was hired to serve, but since they trained most of their other servers for 3 weeks prior to my arrival, I'm way behind. They've given me about 1-2 shifts per week, mostly training shifts. This is not worth it to me, at all.

I was expediting food for a few shifts, but that is no more... I sold a lamb shank as a veal chop and The Bitch told chef she wanted my shift. I don't know why I thought I knew what a veal chop or lamb shank looked like anyway.

So, I have 1 training shift on Sunday and 1 serving shift the following Sunday. I have 2 days to decide if I want to quit. I'm leaning towards yes. I turned down some good work for these people, and they don't know how to see potential, or communicate for that matter. I'm over it.

The musician has once again disappeared. I'm over that too... not going to wait for his ebb and flow, although it is his birthday tomorrow. It's always the Capricorns.

So tonight, I'm staying in... away from the drama of downtown. My roommate Chris and I are going to rent a movie, we're hoping about sharks :)

I just wish money wasn't always the issue.

Deep breaths.

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