Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Sculpted Lifespan

Yesterday was a good day. Ray came over to play... we went for a run in the pouring rain, ran a few stair intervals at the bay, came home and sat in the spa. The weather was crazy to say the least. It was cool to sit in my studio and watch the weather.

We went and got some tacos, then came back and read about Tao, Indian Luck, Women's Health, and listened to a little Bob. I got ready for work, and Ray went home.

I always have moments of clarity when I run. This time, it was when Ray commented about his age... he jokes a bit about being older. I kept telling him that your lifespan is what you make of it. It stuck.

We have one life in this body. How we treat it and nourish it determines how long it lasts... disregarding genetic predisposition. But even then, a healthier body reacts less to predisposed illness. Anyway, it got me thinking about how people live their lives.

Joe always said he didn't want to live a long time... I always assumed to be that dramatic artist. So maybe people consciously or unconsciously determine their lifespan early on? Who knows?

Perhaps I'll examine it further at a later time... or not.

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