I always think about personal wellbeing, but have not been experiencing it in myself in full. I've been lazy, watched too much television... been distracted, and at times intoxicated. While that all has been a great time in itself, it's time to pick myself back up again. I'm not one of those people who likes to tell others what to do but omits the advice myself.
I've learned a lot about motivation. It is very hard to stay motivated for one main reason... we don't believe in ourselves or our powers to achieve. I'm still one of the lucky ones who has loving parents, friends and a sister who support me in my decisions and believe in me. I can't imagine a world without the support team I've acquired, but even with them, it's hard to believe in my own worth.
Remembering back to last year's Wildflower Triathlon, I could not wait to reach the finish line so I could focus on yoga, and yoga only. I went through the motions of training just to get to the yoga. I read yoga books wherever I went, and practiced at least a few times a week. I know it's one thing that makes me feel sane and balanced, hence the name of my blog, but getting myself to commit to a regular practice is nearly impossible. But why? It feels great, calms my nerves, helps my alignment, and so much more.
My commitment to myself is to do more yoga. I have access to many free yoga classes at Kennedy now, and the schedules to the best places to practice. The intention is there, and now is time for the follow through. I believe in me, in my strength as a person, an athlete and once again a yogi... or is it yogini?
To new commitments.
Another peaceful picture for thought:
It was the day Mira and I ran to the top of Madonna at sunrise. The mountain range leads to the sea. They are called the Seven Sisters, and this day they were blanketed in clouds :)

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